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Cynanchum arizonicum – Arizona swallow-wort



Scientific Name: Cynanchum arizonicum

Synonym: Metastelma arizonicum

Common Names: Arizona swallow-wort


Duration: Perennial

Growth Habit: Vine forb/herb

Arizona Native Status: Native

Habitat:Desert mountain slopes and canyons

Flower Color: White to yellow

Flowering Season: Throughout the year

Height: N/A

Description: Arizona swallow-wort has vining stems that often wrap around each other, a slightly woody base, and thick, narrow leaves. It may be found growing within the stems and leaves of other plants.

Special Characteristics

This plant is known to occur in the United States only in southern Arizona.


Family: Asclepiadaceae


Gray, A. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 19: 85. 1883

Shinners, L.H. Sida 1 (6): 365. 1964

Sundell, E. 1993. Asclepiadaceae, Milkweed Family. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 27(2): 182. 169-187

iNaturalist.org /inaturalist.org/taxa/161391-Cynanchum-arizonicum



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