Plant species of Tumamoc Hill

Tumamoc has more than 300 species of plants. Thanks to the artistry, hard work and generosity of T. Beth Kinsey, you can already see a few of them in this part of the website.

The species list has all our species but many do not yet have their own webpage. We are working to include them, too. (Check the What's new? page for notice of additions.)

Meanwhile, visit Beth's own site Fireflyforest where you will find other plants of southern Arizona, as well as many from Hawaii. And please do let Beth know how much you appreciate her work!

Abutilon incanum - Pelotazo

Abutilon incanum - Pelotazo, Hoary Abutilon (white flower)

Abutilon incanum - Pelotazo, Hoary Abutilon (pink flower)

Abutilon incanum - Pelotazo, Hoary Abutilon (yellow flower)

Abutilon incanum - Pelotazo, Hoary Abutilon (fruit)

Abutilon incanum - Pelotazo, Hoary Abutilon (pink flower and leaves)

Plant Name

Scientific Name: Abutilon incanum

Common Names: Pelotazo, Hoary Abutilon

Plant Characteristics

Duration: Perennial

Growth Habit: Subshrub, Herb/Forb

Arizona Native Status: Native

Habitat: Desert

Flower Color: Pink, White, Yellow

Flowering Season: Spring, Summer, Fall

Height: To 40 inches (1 m) tall

Description: The 3/4 inch (1.9 cm) wide flowers have a central column of stamens and 5, red-veined petals, each with a dark red basal spot. The flowers are followed by fuzzy green, drying to brown seed capsules with 5 mericarps. The leaves are elongated heart-shaped with toothed margins and a petiole half of the length of the leaf blade. The leaves and stems are densely covered in short, silvery velvet hair.


Kingdom: Plantae - Plants
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta - Vascular plants
Superdivision: Spermatophyta - Seed plants
Division: Magnoliophyta - Plants
Class: Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons
Subclass: Dilleniidae
Order: Malvales
Family: Malvaceae - Mallow family
Genus: Abutilon Mill. - Indian mallow
Species: Abutilon incanum (Link) Sweet - pelotazo


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 Tumamoc is managed by the University of Arizona College of Science and Pima County, Arizona.